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Arts Express

Wed, Jul 12, 2023 9:00 PM


** "I think the fantasy genre generally, whether it's in book form or in film, what it does is that it takes the real world - and actually makes it into a safer place..."

Graham McTavish Talks The Witcher, Men In Kilts, Somewhere in Montana. And his theory penetrating the mysteries of the real world, and about in life that 'there's an age we're all kind of trapped inside, in our minds.'

The Uk actor best known for his turn as a warrior dwarf in The Hobbit, and a Machiavellian Scottish tribalism 17th century Highland Scotsman in Outlander, sheds light on a dark subject in a different kind of war as well - with his upcoming portrayal in Somewhere In Montana, as a rural rancher butting heads with an invading Hollywood production - 'and what happens when those two cultural worlds collide.'

** "The Washington Post, NY Times, you get nothing but the musings of an unnamed intelligence official - who probably wrote the story and emailed it to them from Langley, Virginia."

Pacifica host and contributor to this show Garland Nixon in a continuing conversation on the corrupted corporate media, with young former US Marine turned anti-imperialist commentator for The New Atlas and reporting out of Thailand, Brian Berletic.

** "Let me break it all down..."

Arts Express Playhouse: A dramatic solo presentation of fuming playwright and screenwriter David Mamet's leaked TV memo, in all capital letters, to the writing staff of a classic series cancelled - despite positive notices. Stay tuned, and all will be revealed...

** "If you're listening - you stole my song..."

Rock musician, raconteur and reporter for a local paper, Bob Saar, in a conversation about many things. Including his novel conceived as a memoir while wandering across America, 'In Memory of David's Buick.'

And expounding on the art of creation within the dark interior of Valley Monster, the local downtown Burlington saloon - presided over by friendly Nick the bartender into discussing movies and literature...

 The Attachment Diaries Review: Dreary Depravity Noir

Whether an ironic title or not, detachment is the more pertinent sensibility regarding Argentina writer/director Valentin Javier Diment's The Attachment Diaries. A decidedly male point of view touching on serial homicidal maternity, psychotic lesbian obstetrics, arranging rape scenarios as a pretext for slaying the apparently unfortunate rapist - and otherwise multi-tasking female insanity for the porn humor warped delight of audiences.

To sum up this extravagantly twisted female revenge as a dish best served cold and on repeat depraved humor, a pregnant, rain soaked Carla (Jimena Anganuzzi) turns up on the doorstep of local gynecologist Irina (Lola Berthet) demanding an abortion. The glum doctor refuses, and offers to instead arrange an adoption, housing the woman in her palatial premises until then. 

But as bodies of visitors pile up somewhat like a bizarre aphrodisiac encircling the increasingly pathological pair into an erotically irrepressible lesbian relationship, deranged reveals touching on warped because fatherless childhoods add a touch of unearned sympathy for the pair of villains, to say the least.

And while this odious banquet of lesbian torture porn may not thrill everyone in the audience - there is a distinct socio-cultural compatibility with the homicidal horrors of endless wars those audiences are living through. 
Prairie Miller



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