WBAI-FM Upcoming Program
Arts Express

Wed, Feb 1, 2023 9:00 PM


** "There's a lot of people that don't know me, don't know that I exist - and a lot of things that have been said about me that's not true..."

'My Father Muhammad Ali.' A Conversation With Muhammad Ali Jr.
- The Strange Case Of Muhammad Ali Jr. viewed through the lens of a confounding documentary, delving into the late icon's only biological son - dealing with his struggle to make sense of the world in an imagined post-racial America.

** "If you understand how the US Empire works and you know a little about history, you're probably gonna bite that hook."

Propaganda, the possibility of nuclear war, and the price of eggs... From rebel cop to righteous whistleblower, Pacifica host, DC deep dive political analyst and contributor to this show Garland Nixon breaks it all down.

** And we're not talking Hollywood picking your pockets at the box office...

Screening Room: The Con Artist In Movies.

** "I Fought The Law: Contesting The Role Of The Corporate Media In Cheering On Global War."

Dispatches: The first episode of a new series on the show, presented by Arts Express Paris correspondent, journalist and novelist Professor Dennis Broe. With connections to BlackRock, Churchill, Kubrick and Rosa Luxemburg.


This economic crisis cinema bittersweet tale of politically internalized, metaphysical youth heartbreak - or what may be termed that other pandemic - of the youth stricken downwardly spiraling low wage world today in the ironically titled Hannah Ha Ha - won the Grand Jury Prize at the 2022 Slamdance Film Festival, as it should. Along with Best Actress for that brutally implosive, self-effacing performance of Hannah Lee Thompson.

As the film opens, Hannah is revealed in a muted lyrical flow of time, spending her summer days helping out her aging father (Avram Tetewsy) with whom she still lives, doing odd jobs at local farms, and dog walking and guitar lessons for kids around town. (In real life, Thompson is a performer, songwriter, and guitarist, banjo and harmonica player).

And though Hannah's state of mind is far from euphoric, she's content with her existence and seems to shun whatever anxieties may be assumed to exist beyond her peaceful space. That is, until her ambitious older businessman brother Paul (Roger Mancusi) turns up, reminding Hannah that her 26th birthday is looming when her father's medical insurance will no longer cover her. And that she needs to find a job, preferably a dreary office job he can offer her.

And so begins Hannah's downward spiral of alienation in a confounding quest for work - corporate employment through her brother for which she lacks any training, nor would want to. And then down the dismal rabbit hole of fast food graveyard shifts with questionable promises of medical coverage - and that midnight landscape surrounding her there of exploited kindred spirits consigned to the bleak underbelly of living out of cars, or the homeless there surviving in parking lots.

Hopefully the Andrea Riseborough victory over the corporate stranglehold of Hollywood will unshackle the invisibility of these salt of the earth, working class regional gems of cinema - illuminating the unrecognized, unspoken lives of real people all around us, as in this slow burn existential epic. Along with the subversive subliminal role that radio plays in this film - when by the end, all will reveal itself...

Prairie Miller



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