WBAI-FM Upcoming Program

Tue, Sep 26, 2023 8:00 PM


We will present Part 2 of our interview with internationally renowned writer, poet and Latin America solidarity activist Margaret Randall. It was conducted earlier this year by Out-FM producer Bob Lederer and guest co-producer Cloe Loosz. Margaret Randall is a longtime North American feminist activist who has supported Latin American revolutions, as well as a prolific writer, poet, translator, and photographer, and an out-lesbian. In 2020 she released her memoir titled I Never Left Home: Poet, Feminist, Revolutionary. She has published nearly 200 books of poetry, prose, oral testimony, and memoir, including two last year, and has made such iconic Latin American poets as Roque Dalton, Otto Rene Castillo, and others available to an English readership. She is now 86 years old. Promo for this week's show below.

In this concluding segment of the interview, Margaret will explain her epic four-year, late-80s battle -- with huge grassroots support -- to stop the federal government's effort to deport her because her writings allegedly advocated "the doctrines of world communism." She will then talk about her decision to come out soon after winning that victory, her 36-year relationship with her now wife Barbara Byers, and her more recent literary and political activities.

FOR A $65 DONATION, LISTENERS CAN OBTAIN THEIR OWN COPY OF MARGARET RANDALL'S MEMOIR, I Never Left Home. Call 212-209-2950 or go to give2wbai.org.

We encourage our listeners to take this opportunity to become a BAI Buddy for $10 or more a month. Every donation tonight will be matched by a generous donor, and will be dedicated to making current WBAI's rent on its Brooklyn studios, on which it is behind. Please be generous in supporting this listener-sponsored, noncommercial, COMMUNITY radio station.

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Margaret Randall



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