WBAI-FM Upcoming Program

Wed, Sep 27, 2023 10:00 AM


There is a lack of understanding of how harmful radioactive tritium is to our health. The industry lies about it being no big deal, and many otherwise intelligent activists accept that. In order to justify dumping radioactive waste into local waterways, the radioactive polluters are trying to convince people that tritium is not harmful. Even some environmentalists are accepting and repeating industry lies. One person said tritium only lasts 12 years. That is the half-life of tritium, it takes 10 to 12 half lives for the amount of radiation to be statistically zero, not actually zero.

Also, it is virtually impossible to separate tritium out of water--basically, tritium is water with radioactive hydrogen, so it is almost identical to standard water. Tritium is the name given to a form of radioactive hydrogen. Tritiated water is H2O where at least one of the Hs, ordinary nonradioactive hydrogen, is replaced with tritium. That water is now radioactive, but it still behaves like water. It flows, it evaporates, it goes into clouds, it falls as rain, it gets into our bodies. That’s why it’s so dangerous. We think most of you know not to listen to industry press releases and the people who quote them, but we keep meeting people who quote that P.R. without questioning it.

Our guests are scientists and authorities on tritium,
Arjun Makhijani Ph.D., president of the Institute for Energy and Environmental Research and the principal author of the first study ever done (1971) on energy conservation potential in the U.S. economy. Dr. Makhijani has authored "Carbon-Free and Nuclear-Free: A Roadmap for U.S. Energy Policy," the first analysis of a transition to a U.S. economy based completely on renewable energy. His latest book is "Exploring Tritium Dangers."
Gordon Edwards Ph. D., a Canadian scientist and nuclear consultant, is co-founder and president of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility. Dr. Edwards has written articles and reports on radiation standards, radioactive wastes, uranium mining, nuclear proliferation, the economics of nuclear power, and non-nuclear energy strategies. He has been featured on radio and television programs including Eco-Logic.

Our news segments today cover
• 9 years after #crunchnestle, victory at the California Water Board,
• an analysis of ecofascism-- what is it? and
• the chemical hazard of products' fragrance.

We also have environmental music; hear Creative Natives singing New Zealand reggae band Herbs' "Nuclear Waste."

Listen live anywhere in the world.

Join us next Wednesday, October 4, at 10am for our Celebration of Nature Series: Fascinating Animals

Stay tuned,
Ken Gale, Donna Stein & Sally Gellert

When the air or water are clean, thank an environmentalist. If not, become one. 'Nuff Said!

Catch up on episodes you missed on this web site.

Eco-Logic.wbai.org is where you can go to get our DVDs and CDs.
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Eco-Logic: Health Dangers of Tritium-The Age of Nuclear Waste



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