O to drink the mystic deliria deeper than any other man!
O savage and tender achings! (I bequeath them to you my children,
I tell them to you, for reasons, O bridegroom and bride.)
We'll talk about Anita Bryant on this program. She chose to make hatred of lesbians and gay men, or LGBT+∞ people these days, her religion. R. Paul remembers when she came for people's civil rights in the name of Leviticus and the Christian Right-Wing. We fought her and her kind. The list of bigots in this world has been lessened by one.
We'll also talk about Donnie "Bonespur" Trump and his loss in his own Supreme Court. He is now officially and convicted and sentenced felon.
The Web page for this program should go live about an hour before air time.
Our current program schedule is here.
You can find R. Paul on Twitter or X or whatever it's called this week.